Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Night Before...

Packing most of the night after work. Steph got home around 6 with a brand new haircut which she'll be sporting shortly here. I of course got distracted with shiny things around the house and the first new episode of "Lost" since early March. We caught up on Laundry yet I still can't find my bathing suit. Had to find some time in there to mess around with Kino too...gotta say, even with the hat the little guy is a damn good sport. The only things left to pack are toiletries and my backpack, which will contain the computer, camera, various cords, our GPS systems, books, journals, etc.

Off to bed now, but will probably start posting again Saturday morning. It's direct flight there, so hopefully we won't run into too much hassle. Famous last words...

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