Friday, September 26, 2008

Steph's Surprise Farewell Party: The West End

About three years ago this December, Steph and I had our first date at a bar called the West End in Lakewood. We sat at the bar for a while and nibbled on some appetizers and hot soup and talked about our jobs, our families and music, during which she handed me a Kaiser Chiefs CD that she burned for me, specifically for our night out. Three years later, here we are still together and going strong, and that bar has held a special place in our hearts this whole time, a place we revisit each year on our anniversary and other special occasions. So when I first concieved the idea of throwing a surprise going away party for Stephanie, there wasn't a single other venue that I could've thought of that would've been more appropriate.

I spent the past few weeks getting in touch with her friends and family and organizing the party with the bar, making sure everything was perfect for her when she arrived. I pitched the idea of going there as simply a nice dinner to have before she left, and not surprisingly, she agreed. So, with a little help from her sister Tiffany (who's working the camera talent when we walk in) everything was set up and ready for us to arrive. I took my time getting ready at home, much to the chagrin of Steph who was claiming to be dying from starvation by the time we walked out the door. It all worked out to be perfect though, and following a text warning to Tiffany warning her that we were a minute away, we walked in the door at about 6:40 to an overwhelming greeting of surprise.

Emotions ran high throughout the night, especially when Steph opened up her mom's going-away present; a little stuffed dog named Compass (with an actual compass attached to his collar), "So you'll always be able to find your way home." We stayed through most of the evening and ironically enough, never got a chance to enjoy a full meal. But I think both of us were too excited to eat, and ended up taking our untouched meals home with us later that night. It wasn't until we arrived at home did the events of the night really soak in and Stephanie was able to take a good look at the six-foot long banner we had hanging in the bar, as well as the picture frame of her headshot that everyone signed throughout the evening.

It really did go off without a hitch and I don't think Steph could've been happier. Huge, huge thanks to Parnell, the owner of the West End, along with everyone that was able be there. I'm fairly certain that last night was a night that Stephanie will never ever forget, and she can go out to LA now, not only with the peace of mind that she was able to see everyone she wanted to see before she left, but also knowing that she has the love and support from everyone around her to strengthen her decision to do this even more.

Tomorrow at 8am, we hit the road. LA is only six short days away.

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