Saturday, September 5, 2009

Destination: The Outer Banks, NC

It wasn't so long ago, maybe just a few months, that our friend Leila raised the question of where we should all go on vacation this year.  We knew we wanted to take a trip together, but deciding on our destination was still up in the air.  It was unanimous that all of us wanted to visit the beach, so after a few random islands were tossed into the mix, the majority of us settled on where we're about to set off to today: The Outer Banks, NC.

To be honest, I don't know much about the area, but I've heard it's absolutely gorgeous.  Before I really fell into the group, I few of them had headed down there last summer around the 4th of July.  They've been dying to go back, so after a few rounds of discussions, we settled on a rental house for the week, paid our dues (only $165 for each of us, for the entire week...awesome!) and in just a few minutes, I'll be jumping in the car with my friends Julia, Claire and Katalina, and be on our way.  Marty and Leila drove separately yesterday, and the rest of the guys are heading out later today to pull an all-nighter.

It's a 12-hour drive, and I'll be making a few random updates throughout the week, but I'm planning on using this vacation as a more of a recovery model than anything else.  The nice thing about it that we are all going down with the mentality to do whatever we schedules, no planned events...nothing.  So, even though the weather is supposed to be a bit spotty (luckily no hurricanes), I'm planning on getting in a lot of writing, mediation, and relaxation.  After the events of the past month, ...the past year even, I need it.  That said, we're packing up the car now and we'll be on our way in a few short minutes.  God knows, this vacation couldn't have come soon enough.

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