Thursday, May 8, 2014

Easter in Eagle Creek

When: April 2012
Where: Eagle Creek Gorge

I have two younger cousins, Jon and Danny, who are both attending school a few hours away up at Gonzaga University in Spokane, WA.  In 2012, I invited Jon (Danny was still in high school at the time) down to Portland for Easter Weekend.  We had so much fun that we decided to make a tradition out of it.  We are family after all, and even though I'm not an avid celebrator of Easter, it's always nice to spend holidays like those with family, especially when the rest of our families are so far away.

Last year, with Danny joining in, we decided to go camping.  They arrived on Friday afternoon, after which we immediately headed over to The Rose Garden with tickets to the Portland Trailblazers game. By early Saturday morning, we were packed and ready to go.  I chose Eagle Creek as our destination, but farther in than I had ever hiked before.  All together, the hike would be about 16 miles round trip and loaded with vista views of the ravine, dozens of waterfalls and a collection of footbridges spanning the gaps. It was about as an appropriate introduction to the Pacific Northwest as one could get.

The Portland Trailblazers at the Rose Garden, the Moda Center.

Kino and I crossing through Tunnel Falls

The dropaways and views of Eagle Creek

A few of many waterfalls along Eagle Creek

Happy Easter. 

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