Saturday, May 3, 2008

Mount Rainier? ...Not Today.

Well, we were planning on heading down to Mount Rainier today, but it doesn't look like it's going to happen. I called the Ranger's station down there and they're in the midst of a rain/snow mixture that would just make hiking kind of miserable, even in the lower altitudes. So, we unfortunately decided to ax those plans for today.

Instead, we're going to take a trip over to the East side to see a few things, and then up to Discovery Park which I heard is really really cool. The good news is, we have all day tomorrow to visit Rainier since we're not planning on getting back to the airport until at least 8pm at the earliest. The weather is looking to be a lot better, around 10-15 degrees warmer, with the snowline beginning around 7500 ft. as opposed to today's 4500, which is where most of the trails begin.

Either way, our last two days in town should be a lot of fun. Keep checking back for more updates in the next 48 hours.


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