Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Return of the Traveler

My last post was over fifteen months ago. I'm not quite sure why I phased myself away from keeping up this blog, especially with all the traveling I've accomplished so far this past year...I may have had a lot distracting me at the time, or I was more accustomed to updating the devil in us we all know as Facebook...either way, I've made it a point to make it back here and start playing catch post at a time.

So like I've said, I've done a lot of traveling this past year, from creeping into the depths of the Bone-Norman caves in West Virginia to competing in the Chicago Triathlon to fulfilling a decade-old dream of exploring the western horizons, not to mention everything in between. That's a lot to cover, so here's what I think I'm going to do:

Each week, I'm going to cover, chronologically, my exploits over the past year and three months, starting from my trip from Havasu Falls down to Phoenix, AZ to see my family. If I do some traveling in the meantime, I'll take a pause from the previous coverage in order to detail the current trip, only to afterwards pick up where I left off, and to finally catch up to where I am now.

Mark this as the Return of Jack Traveler, the return of the great adventure.

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