Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Moose Gets Married

I would easily say that my timing in coming out to Portland was perfect, if not for one small detail: I needed to travel back to Cleveland not four weeks after moving out here to attend one of my best friend's weddings. Now, there was no question that I would be heading back. I wouldn't miss this wedding for the world. I was just kicking myself for not waiting to actually make the move a month later than I did, if only to make things a bit simpler. But, it all worked out. I found Kino a kennel in which he was able to run freely on a farm for a few days and half of my flight was generously covered by Scott and his bride-to-be, Cassie, with the only request that I film their wedding for them.

I arrived on a Friday night and was met at the airport by my buddy Garrett, who was generously giving up some space in his apartment that weekend so I could crash while in town. Before my bags even made it to his doorstep, we stopped into Edison's, my personal favorite bar in Cleveland and home of the city's best-tasting pizza. A heavy claim, I know. But just try it if you haven't already. Still don't agree? Fine. I'll fight you on it.

Our stay there lasted well into the wee hours of the morning, unsurprisingly. Edison's always tends to have that effect on us. The crowd is a rare mix between a few elderly ragged locals, Cleveland hipsters, raging hormones and a blue-collar artists that just appreciate a wide selection of bottled beer, so at times, it gets really difficult to leave. Being the social butterflies that we are, Garrett and I always happen to bring a few random patrons into our discussions. This can go on for hours, and usually does.

The next morning, before the wedding, I got myself showered and dressed before meeting my date for the evening's events. Arriving about 30 minutes early, she and I sat up in the balcony where a bird's eye view of the ceremony offered the video's best coverage. The ceremony itself, having taken place in the Old Stone Church, one of the oldest, if not the oldest structure remaining in downtown Cleveland, was beautiful and fairly tame as one would expect. By knowing Scott and Cassie from the moment they got together, it was great to see them finally tie the knot. I will admit to some bittersweetness, however. Scott was instrumental in getting my ex and I together for a courtship that lasted three full years before we split following her move out to California. He and Cassie met during that three year period and the four us spent quite a bit of time together before my better half left. Seeing them finally tie the knot reminded me of some of the things I had planned during that time and where it could've led me. Some day, perhaps.

The outdoor wedding reception was, easily stated, the single best wedding that I've been to in my life. For the first time in years, I was able to cut loose and show a side of me that most of my friends haven't seen in a long, long time. Maybe it was my recent move to Oregon and my overwhelming sense of freedom. It may have simply been due to being in the company of some amazing friends. Or maybe I was just happy. Regardless, after completing my filming duties, I danced, laughed, sang, jumped around like a pure nut-job, waited patiently for my fifth martini in the pouring rain, chased a raccoon (he was friendly, I swear), almost swung the Mother-of-the-Groom into a table, chair-danced in front of the Bride, photo-bombed, wheeled a piano into a hotel lobby at 3am (the staff was NOT happy about that one) and joined the entire wedding party in a badly sung-rendition of "Don't Stop Believin'." Was the hangover worth it? You bet to high hell it was. I'd encourage them to get divorced and remarried, just to do it all over again. ...I'll give it a few years before I formally make that suggestion.

Now, what is the Moose, you ask? Because after all, that is the title of this entry and would only make some sense if I were to take the time to explain the allusion. Or, I could leave you in the dark and guessing, but what fun would that be. No, I would be more than happy to elaborate.

The Moose is, proudly, a Scott Keller original. Made popular by him in his drunken-stupor days of college (let's not kid ourselves, college may be over...the stupor, not so much), the Moose consists of leaning backwards, shoving his thumbs into his armpits (palms out and spread wide) while simultaneously lifting up his shirt to expose his belly and chest while screaming "The Moose!!" Ridiculous? You bet it is. But I love this guy for it. What better is that the Moose comes out in the most inappropriate of instances, including, but not limited to, work functions, high-class lounges, the RTA rail line, St. Patrick's Day and of course, his wedding.

That weekend, I also had breakfast with my ex, lunch with my parents, a few drinks with a few other old friends and a short visit to my old house, but I'll never forget the Moose. Married or not, he will live on forever. Congrats, buddy. Now go and make some babies. Baby mooses. Or moosen. ...whatever you call more than one. We're all rootin' for ya.

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