Monday, February 24, 2014

Switching It Up a BIt

Truth be told, I've been finding it increasingly harder to find the time to continue writing these posts in the same format that I have in the past.  Many changes have taken place in my life this past year and although my travel bug hasn't so much subsided, my commitment to journaling all the details of those journeys has. So, I'm going to try something new.

Since most of my social media activity revolves around Instagram, I'm going to attempt to carry the wanderlust portion of that outlet over to this blog, in the attempt at keeping it simple and restraining the posts to an exclusive photo/video-based format.  Each post will most likely contain a short descriptive paragraph of that particular journey, but at this point, I'd prefer to allow the photos to most of the talking.  They could probably do much better job of it than I could, anyway.

This new approach will also allow me to backlog many of the trips I haven't posted about yet, an endeavor which became more and more daunting by each passing week.  That in mind, I'm excited to see how it turns out.  If it doesn't...well that just means I'm lazy.   Happy Travels!

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