Saturday, April 26, 2008

1st Night in Seattle

So we got here pretty flawlessly and right now I'm sitting in a Starbucks (imagine that) down the street from our hotel. There was actually one right next door, but it seemed to only be open on weekdays, so i walked another few blocks and boom...another Starbucks.

Surprisingly, there weren't any huge hitches in getting here yesterday. After work, my buddy Mark drove us to the airport and we got everything checked in fine. A few minutes later we headed to get in line for security when we literally ran right into Pete Cordon, one of my best friends from high school that I've pretty much known since birth. We had no idea that the other was traveling that day (he and his girlfriend were heading to Vegas and Phoenix for the next week or so), so after getting over the surprise, we had a few drinks and dinner at Max n' Erma's in the airport, then headed to our separate gates. It was a hilarious coincidence.

The five hour flight was pretty tame, nothing exciting save for our bird's eye view of some spectacular thunderstorms over the Dakotas...Steph was fascinated by the sight. She watched the in-flight movie as I worked on my Mac and before long we were on the ground in Seattle. After getting our bag we got hooked up with this little Chevy Cobalt, a car eerily reminiscent of Steph's, and drove into downtown Seattle. On the way I found out my TomTom is acting up...not sure why, but I plan on finding out today. When you get the "big red X" flashing on the screen, you know something's up. No worries, we have Steph's Garmin, so we got here fine.

Simply put, our hotel rocks. Literally. We're staying at the Hotel Max on Stewart St, right in the middle of downtown, and this place is just freakin' cool. The room is a little small, but we'll hardly be there, so it's not a big deal. For what we're paying and where we're at...we got a heck of a deal. Our door has a huge image of Cortney Love on it, conveniently right next to the room with Kurt Cobain, and the window down the hall has an eye chart etched into the glass. The colors are all heavy greys, oranges, and black. From a designer's standpoint, I love it. I would suggest anyone coming into town stay here at least one night, if for nothing else than the experience. Parking is a little steep, but then again, we have in and out privileges and we ARE in the middle of downtown, so it's to be expected.

Not sure what we're doing today, we'll probably hit the Market and explore downtown a bit. I'll be sure to post something up here either tonight or tomorrow morning for everyone to see, complete with photos and possibly some video. Till then.


  1. Brian - I hope you have the best time ever. Only you would have a multi-media trip blog :) It's called vacation, stop using your brain! bar tip: don't get beers on tap, only bottles; nothings worse than getting sick on vacation...Peace, Corey

  2. Dude, glad to see you made it. Your now in the heart of Starbucks country, their corp. office is in south Seattle. Have a good day of sight seeing.

  3. I'm surprised you had to walk a whole block to get to the 2nd Starbucks. In Seattle usually they're right across the street from each other! Have fun - Dean

  4. Hope you guys have a wonderful time :) Steph, hope you don't run into TM while you're there.


  5. Looks like a great time. Thanks for taking the time to post the pics and updates! I'd love to be a Goonie for a day!

    Travel safe!

