Sunday, April 27, 2008

I Want to High-Five an Otter

After spending some time in the market and exploring some of the lower levels (there are three levels below the main market full of small nick-nack stores and businesses), we headed down the bluff to the piers to get a good look at Puget Sound. We ended up exploring some of the oddities shops down here and stopped to eat lunch at a small fish n' chips place which had the best beer-battered cod I've ever tasted in my life. We then walked out to the end of one of the piers to get a better view of the mountains, which you can kind of see in the photo to the left. They really are spectacular and it's hard to imagine that they're as far away as they are. There were a ton of touristy cruises leaving the pier while we were there, and although it would've been kind of cool to jump on one, we plan on taking the Bainbridge Ferry when we get back into town on Thursday, so we opted for the Aquarium instead.

The Aquarium was a good choice to spend the next hour or so, because although we didn't go out into the Sound yet, this place gives you a really unique view of what life is specifically like out there below the surface. There's a hands-on exhibit that we really enjoyed where we got to handle different kinds of starfish and sea cucumbers, and some of the glass displays were completely immersive in how you felt like you were right underwater with them. My favorites were the sea mammal displays that contained sea lions, river otters and the like, all of which possessed a playful demeanor I couldn't help but love. It's like you just want to hang out with them and give them high fives.

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