Thursday, January 29, 2009

On our way to Breckenridge

So here we are. It was a crazy day yesterday, amidst the blizzards, the travel agent fiasco, and the long slow ride here, we've finally arrived.

Cleveland got pummeled with over 16 inches of snow yesterday. Literally, 20 hours before our flight was meant to leave. I sat at work, watching the weather radar and that intimidating white and blue monstrosity that hovered over the mid-west, easing it's way northeast towards Buffalo and Boston, crippling everything in its path. I watched flight after flight out of Cleveland come up delayed, then cancelled...however, ours stayed on time and lit up in green.

Surprisingly the only delay we really ran into was the mess of traffic on our way to the airport. The highways were shut down, the streets were gridlocked, and a two-hour head start that we meant to have suddenly turned into a five minute wait to actually step on the plane. We weren't late, but we were cutting it close, no thanks to the jackass agent that wouldn't let Lisa check her board as sporting equipment because it had clothes in it, something we all did as well but didn't get hassled for. Thanks, pal.

The flight was fairly uneventful, and before long we were landing in Denver, grabbing our luggage and packing ourselves into a shuttle van that would take us the two-hour drive through the Rockies and into Breckenridge. We arrived around 11:00pm, checked into our room (which completely kicks ass) and decided to go out, grab some late night food, a few beers, and call it a night. We were in bed before 12:30, ready and waiting for the upcoming three days in the mountains.

We're up now, Claire, Garrett, Lisa and myself, and it's about that time to get ready and hit the slopes. More to come later, but we're pretty anxious to get out there. We're all here and safe though, and most importantly, we have free wireless. So, until next time, happy trails.

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