Saturday, January 31, 2009

Too Hungover to Ski? Never.

Exhaustion. Pure, utter exhaustion is what we were all feeling this morning. After a long night of drinking and celebrating Lisa's birthday, the thought of doing anything anything physical today was borderline revolting. But, it was a beautiful day and slowly we found ourselves sliding on our ski clothing and equipment, staring willfully out the windows of our condo to the snow capped mountains around us. It was never a question of If we would ski was just a matter of how long.

What was planned to be a two hour jaunt on the slopes turned into an easy five, all of us exploring the runs and hills that we didn't have a chance to get to the previous two days. We never did anything super-challenging. In fact, I think Garrett and I only hit one or two Black Diamonds all day.

We took a few photos of us in action, and around 3:00, we decided that it was time to call it a day. Claire and Lisa wanted to walk around town a bit and do some shopping before it got too dark. Garrett and I, well...we just wanted to chill out for a bit and relax. After grabbing a bite to eat at the top of the mountain, we all headed down towards the lodge and said our final good-byes to the runs of Breckenridge.

We've gotten our rest and we're planning on heading out to have our final meal in town. We're not too sure where we're headed yet, but that's all part of the fun. Tomorrow we're heading home, and we have one last opportunity to create another memorable night in Colorado.

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