Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Road Trip Tuesday!

Because the next month or two will only consist of a few minor day hikes and a possible weekend camping getaway, I'm making the effort to keep the content fresh and decided to create a weekly column called "Road Trip Tuesday."  Starting next week and each week thereafter, I'll introduce a new road trip that I may potentially take later on this year, and discuss all of the sights and stops each one offers along the way.  Some may be short, lasting only a few hours or less.  Others may be a bit longer, ranging into a 3 - 4 day drive across the states, and who knows?  There may also be the potential for an international drive, in case I may find myself overseas one of these summer months.

And, of course, if you guys have made any trips in the past that you'd suggest, feel free to post them in the comments section.  I've taken a lot of drives since I was first able to sit behind the wheel, but there are a lot of routes that I haven't taken.  I'm completely open to new ideas.

Check back for further updates!

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