Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Cincinnati in March

Friday after work I had plans to head down to Cincinnati for the weekend.  Although I had been traveling for about four weekends straight, I was looking forward to seeing a few friends down there that I haven't caught up with in a while.  

I was planning to arrive down there around 8:00pm, meeting a group of my old Fraternity brothers in Westchester on my way down.  This week was the annual Queen of Hearts ball, an event that regularly brings in alumni and their significant others from all over the country.  Although the formal was taking place on Saturday, all of the alumni were planning on meeting out for a few drinks Friday night, just to kick back, relax, and catch up with one another since a lot of us haven't seen each other in a few years at a time.  Personally, I haven't seen any of those guys in over six years, so it would've been a good reunion.

Following the late-night happy hour with the guys, I was then planning on driving a little farther south towards the city, to my friend Brent and his wife's home in Norwood.  They just had a baby girl about four months ago that I've been looking forward to seeing, so the rest of the weekend was set aside to hang out with them and their new baby girl Eliana.

Plans change.

For the past week my oil change light has been on, so I scheduled a quick appointment for Friday morning before I left.  All they were supposed to do was change the oil.  I love how this crap just snowballs.  Every. Single. Time.

I have a screw in my tire.  Easy fix, right?  They can just patch it up, throw a plug in there.  Yeah...wrong.   The screw was imbedded in the sidewall, so the stupid tire might as well have gone bald.  I've had it for six months...it  just figures.  So now I have to get a new tire on my car, for which they were asking $200.  Screw that.  Pun not intended.

So they threw on the donut spare, which I wouldn't be able to drive down to Cincinnati on, and every place that I called to get a new tire won't have the right one in stock until after the beginning of the week, and with that...my trip to Cincinnati became no more.   But, I talked to Brent later on Saturday and we thought that the end of March might be a better date.  Not only will it be warmer, but a lot of other friends should be in town that time, so hopefully it'll work out for everyone.

This was the second trip in a row that's been postponed, but it's probably all for the best.  Between Colorado and California, I spent a lot of money this past month and it'll be nice to use some recovery time.  Plus, this weekend was mostly spent catching up on some long-overdue projects like changing the locks around house and doing my taxes.   On the upside, at least I was able to see some in-town friends during the evenings that I was here.  Everything happens for a reason.

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