Sunday, February 1, 2009

Heading Home

The distant caw of the crow.
Rays of morning light seep into the room.
The trip has come to an end.

We left the condo around 8:00 last night and made our way across town to a Restaurant named the Motherloaded Tavern.  On the way, we stopped in a few of the stores that Claire and Lisa had seen earlier in the day to find some memorabilia to take home with us, back to Cleveland.  
Claire picked up a few magnets, and Lisa grabbed a t-shirt.  
I actually returned later while we were waiting for a table and picked out a Breckenridge Ski Patrol Search & Rescue hat. Garrett however...ah, Garrett...bought a Breckenridge t-shirt with a collage of wolves printed across the front.  You know the type of image, the kind they sell in truck stops and motorcycle shops, worn primarily by said truckers and bikers as they migrate from one state to another.  It was freaking hysterical, and he's wearing it with pride.

We sat down at the Motherloaded for our final dinner in town and spent most of the time reflecting on the past few days and when we'll all have the chance to return, hopefully then with a larger representation of our friends so that we can all enjoy this trip together.  We all talked about how great it would be to pack up our things and head out west, whether it be Denver, Breckenridge, or even farther west and north, as long as we have access to the mountains and the trails that would lead us into a simpler life.  One devoid of mortgages and careers, economic struggles and the general stress of everyday life.  How we could wake up in the morning, grab a quick bite to eat and head out on the trail with our canine companions, only to return later in the day and work into the evening at a ski shop or mountain store, followed by a drink or two at the local pub and then home, where we prepare for yet another day of freedom from the constraints of a career-orientated existence. 
After finishing our salads and steaks, Lisa decided to head home and get a head start on packing, while Claire, Garrett and I dropped into Ullr's bar again to finish the night with a few games of pool and air hockey.  We tipped back a few rounds with the locals and before long, found ourselves walking up the stairs to our condo and saying one last good-bye to Breckenridge's nightlife.  

So now we're all packed, and ready to go.  The girls are still sleeping, Garrett is in the shower, and within a few hours we'll be on our way back to Denver, amidst the mass exodus of a weekend ski town, only to fly our way to Chicago, then finally back to Cleveland later on tonight.  Hopefully we won't have any issues on our way back home.  The weather looks clear and we've been blessed with good fortune so far.  Let's just cross our fingers that it continues into Ohio, at which time I'll probably submit one final entry for this chapter of the blog.  Goodbye, Breckenridge.  We'll see each other again, I'm sure.

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