Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Rehoboth Church: POSTPONED!!

So due to the unfortunate knee injury of our trip guide, it looks like this weekend's trip down to West Virginia's Rehoboth Church Church Cave will be postponed for a few weeks.  I was talking to her last night and we're thinking sometime in the spring might be a bit more reasonable.   We don't know the extent of the injury yet, so I think any further plans will have to depend on what she finds out in the next few days.

In the meantime, I'm not totally opposed to taking a weekend and getting a few things in order at home.  I'll be able to make up a few hours over at Ski Patrol and there's some house cleaning to do, something I've been avoiding all winter.  It's getting to be that time though, so I might as well get started early.  Next weekend I'll be traveling down to Cincinnati though, mainly just to see a few old friends I've been out of touch with for a while.  In the meantime, I'll continue to post ideas and plans for other trips and adventures.  Until then...

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