Thursday, February 12, 2009

El Segundo

Catching up on some things at home, I feel as if the day is already wasting away, so I'm going to keep this entry short and save the photo uploads for later on tonight, to give me the opportunity to get in all the things I want to do for the remainder of the day.

I landed safely last night at about 8:00 and met my friend Corey at the airport. She lives in El Segundo, just about ten minutes south of LAX, so it was extremely convienient for the both of us. She's out of town for most of the time I'm here, so she recently offered me her car and a place to crash to save me the expenses of renting a car and dealing with all of that hassle. Upon leaving the airport, we made it back to her apartment, where she had a huge pot of vegan lentil soup waiting, filling the apartment with an aroma that made me realize that the small ham sandwich i had on the plane wasn't quite enough to cut it for the rest of the night. We chowed down on the soup and some salad we both prepared and hung out around the area the rest of the night, catching up on old times and figuring out all of the things that I can do here for the rest of the trip.

Corey has a job interview in New Jersey for the next few days, so I dropped her off at the airport just about two hours ago, and came back here, taking the opportunity to catch up on email and some missed phone calls before I head out. I'm going to walk on the beach for a bit, then head up to the Hollywood area where I'm going to meet up with my cousin's husband at his recording studio, then over to Studio City to meet Mr. Steve and his girlfriend Stephanie. We talked about heading out around his area tonight, so it seems as if I'm going to be crashing up in that area of town. There might be a bonus addition to the blog from that visit, with it being the eve of Friday and all, so check back tomorrow for any further updates.

On that note, it's 11:00 and I need to bolt. Sand and surf await, even if it is colder here than it is in Cleveland. ...figures.

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