Sunday, February 15, 2009

From Sand to Snow

After a short breakfast of peanut butter toast and slices of pear, I loaded up Corey’s car and climbed into the passenger seat, as she started up the car and prepared to drive me back to the airport for my trip home. Not before, however, we decided to drive down to the beach (less than a mile from her apartment steps) and took one last long look at the sand and surf before I boarded my plane.

I passed through security with ease and soon found myself cramming into the tightest space of a seat I’ve ever traveled in. Sliding my computer under my seat, I put my head back and closed my eyes, not to open them again until we were a good hour-and-a-half into the flight. I believe we’re somewhere over Illinois now…in fact as I look out the window, I believe I can see the shoreline of Lake Michigan on the horizon, amidst the patches of field and snow that blanket the Plains. That means we have about an hour-and-a-half of the flight left, and that much closer to the exposure of 20+ degree weather and at least six inches of fresh snow. It’s hard to believe I was staring at palm trees this morning.

20 minutes left until my battery dies.

My dad is set to meet me at the airport when I land, where we’ll first grab a bite to eat, then head down to Medina to pick up Kino at Sarah’s house. At that point I’ll go home, and most likely to bed. Regardless of whether or not I can spend the rest of this flight sleeping, I’m sure going to need a lot more of it once I get back. If I had a hard enough time adjusting to west coast time, I can only imagine how rough it’s going to be to adjust back.

16 minutes left. On that note, I’m going to sign off and shut my eyes. Another trip has come and gone, but many more are in store for sure, possibly as soon as this coming weekend. Los Angeles was a great experience though, and for the first time, allowed me to feel as if I was really living the city unlike I had ever done before. Maybe it was because I was alone. Maybe it was because things are different now. Either way, it opened my eyes, and I’m more eager to see and travel and experience as much as I possibly can, more than I ever had before. I may not be back to California for awhile, but I know I’ll always welcome it if I do return. Between now and then though, the travels have only just begun.

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