Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Going to California...

With a little bit of help from Kino, I've gotten everything packed, and I'm pretty much set to go. Chris has the house in order, Sarah's picking up Kino after work and bringing him down to her place in Medina where he'll spend the week in the company of her other dogs (and a cat...which should prove interesting), and I've brought all my stuff into work so that I don't have to worry about getting a ride into the airport. So in about six hours, I'll be heading on a train from Downtown Cleveland to Hopkin's International Airport, where I'll board a direct flight at 5:15, arriving straight into Los Angeles, California around 7:30.

This is a mental health trip, and I feel like I need it. I'm going to see some friends that I don't get to hang out with often enough, hopefully see a college buddy's year-old twins, drive up the coast a bit, do some hiking, and just relax. I don't have a schedule. I don't have an itinerary. Aside from what looks to be a fun night in Hollywood on Saturday, nothing's really planned and I just want to keep it that way. The goal is to come home from a vacation where I'm actually more relaxed than I was when I left.

For everyone asking, no...I'm not going to see Stephanie. It was hard, but I thought it best that we kept our distance for awhile, so as not to confuse things. She agreed and we're going to spend this next week apart, doing our own separate things. Maybe we'll see each other in a few months when she comes back to visit for the holidays, but for the time being, ...well, it'll just be easier this way on both of us.

Some certain Zeppelin lyrics come to mind as I go...and in all honesty, it really isnt quite as hard as it seems.

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