Saturday, April 10, 2010

And Away We Go...

I took my time last night. I cooked some dinner and relaxed for a bit before tackling the last bit of packing I had left. Most of it was already done, but I first needed to make sure my bills were paid, my mail was held and that everything with the house was in order before double checking that I had enough clean underwear to last me the week. ...because we all know that you can never have enough clean underwear.

It was around midnight when I realized that I was still wide awake. I had planned on getting to bed early so that I was fully rested for the flight and the busy day ahead that the Filmapolooza had planned for me, but it just wasn't happening. Maybe I had too much on my mind. I tried to lay down for a bit, but it was no use. I was charged. 2am soon rolled around...then 3...then 4...

I first woke up at 5:15 to my cell's alarm. I sat up, acknowledged the insanity of traveling across the country on a single hour's sleep and leaned over to pet my dog, who was laying peacefully next to me. ...That's the last thing I remember.

Needless to say, I was a bit rushed this morning, and I just hope I didn't forget anything. I'm pretty sure I didn't,...I was fairly thorough last night, but with my luck, I'll realize somewhere on the trail that I'm missing something crucial and have to rely on everything Bear Gryll's ever taught me in order to survive. least I was on time for my flight.

I'll be landing in Las Vegas soon. The flight has been fairly uneventful except for the sporatic screaming child two rows in front of me. I swear...there's always one. I ate a muffin and the smallest bowl of cereal I've ever seen in my life, both accompanied by a midget bananna. How un-PC of me, I know. But seriously, it was like the size of my index finger (insert "that's what she said" comment here.)

We just flew over the Hoover Dam and Lake Mead, so I can imagine that our descent will be happening fairly quickly. Which means I'll have to put my computer away before the evil stewardess-lady gives me the stink eye again. Again, you ask? Yes, again. First off, she's frightening. Like, little Damien's Nanny-frightening. (What was her name?...damnit.) Second, I get it. My bag is supposed to be ALL the way under the seat in front of me. Those last two inches just might throw off the weight balance of the plane and could possibly send us careening smack into the side of a mountain like a bloody dart. You're a hero lady and you may have saved us all.

Alright , there's my cue. Next up, Filmapolooza 2010.

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