Sunday, April 11, 2010

Somersaults of a Flu-like Nature

My body was bound to crash at some point and I'm actually impressed that I went as long as I did. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me start from the beginning. I mentioned yesterday that I flew across the country on nearly a single hour of sleep. Compund that with the series of late nights that I had during the week preparing for the trip, dealing with a few insomniatic issues a few of those nights as well (it's an ongoing problem that occurs when i have a lot on my mind), and one of the longest, most stressful weeks at work that I've had in recent memory, and you have, simply put, a complete physical shut down. Welcome to my first night in Vegas.

I was okay until the middle of the first screening, which was when my stomach decided it was going to start training for the Olympic gymnastics team. You know that feeling you get in your mouth right before you blow chunks, where you start salivating like a St. Bernard? Yup, that was me. Granted, I never actually got sick, but the ongoing sensation of it was even just awful. I knew I hadn't eaten since the plane, so I got myself a chicken wrap from a deli in the hotel before returning back for the second screening. That actually did help for a while, but it wasn't long before the queeziness returned.

After a short nap following the screenings, Brian, Amy and I went out for dinner where I barely choked down a half of a breadbowl soup and a ceaser salad. For the rest of the night, I was miserable. It's my first night back in Las Vegas and all I want to do is go back to the room and sleep, but I wanted to tough it out for as long as I could. Plus, Erin was planning on coming down to meet us after she was done babysitting, so I figured at some point I might hit my second wind (it might actually be around my fourth at this point...but, semantics). Down the street, the committee was holding a kareoke event for all of the participants of the Filmapolooza, so the three of us went down there to check that out. ...and no, I did not sing. It was fun and I chatted it up with a bunch of the people there, but I was crashing hard. After about an hour, I made the conscious decision to head back to the hotel and call it a night. It was around 11:30pm, west coast time.

I feel 100% better this morning, but I think the lack of sleep left me suceptible to a minor head cold. No worries, I have some medicine here, so as long as I knock that out in the next few days before the hike, I'll be fine. Plus, the dry desert air out here will do me some good. I felt bad about bailing on Erin last night, but I recieved a message from her this morning from around 3:30am letting me know that she had passed out on the couch, so it all worked out. She's planning on heading down here today to see the screening of "The 4th Floor", so I'm sure we'll hang out for the rest of the day after that. We may even head out to Red Rock Canyon for the afternoon if we have some time. I hope so...I heard it's amazing out there.

The third screening starts in two hours. I think I may grab some food and sit out by the pool for a while before then.

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