Saturday, September 27, 2008

Cleveland, Ohio to Des Moine, Iowa

The day started early, around 6:30am while the both of us checked around the house one last time to make sure we had everything we needed. After a quick, dry breakfast (Steph drank all the milk, which I found out after I poured my bowl of Frosted Flakes), we said our good-byes to Kino, took one last look around our home and stepped out on the road to head west.

Today's goal is Des Moine, Iowa, a good 10 1/2 hours or so from Cleveland. As it goes now, our little Garmin friend is telling us we'll be there around 5:30 central time. Tack on another hour or two onto that for breaks and lunch and I'm guessing we'll check into the hotel just in time for dinner. It'd be nice to find a local brewery or the like to eat tonight, as most of the fun of a road trip like this is experiencing the local culture in the towns you pass through.

We're just about to pass into Indiana, but I probably won't be posting this until later today, so goes the infinite search for a wireless connection.

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