Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Steph's Going Away Party: The Garage Bar

To start off this new venture right, Steph wanted to have one last blowout with her friends. So, off we went to the Garage Bar in Cleveland, where Steph and I have spent many many Fridays and Saturdays over the past three years. It's a great hipster kind of place near downtown that has great music, an eclectic crowd and of course, Blavod.

Five very short hours and about a half dozen shots later, the bartenders yelled last call and lights went on. Among the groups of friends that came out to give their farewells to Stephanie, a few were left hanging around and offered their final goodbyes as we walked out the door (well, I walked, she stumbled.) Luckily, the hangover the next day was tolerable and Steph was able to function at a moderate level. Alcohol in any form was completely out of the question the following night at our friend's wedding, although that night's Coca-cola diet didn't dissuade her from teaching the entire hall The Cuban Shuffle on the dance floor, elevating her to "Hero" status among those attending. Maybe this kind of trend-setting will follow her out to California by way of the latest Cleveland craze; thigh-high argyle socks and a pirate shirt. ...maybe.

As we get ready for our trip this week, hopefully we'll have the chance to send our goodbyes to few others that we missed. Saturday's coming up quick and before we know it, we'll be on the road. As before, links to more photos and videos can be reached by clicking on the slideshow on the right side of the page, sponsored this time around by Google's Picasa Web Albums. Look for more updates on Friday, then each day after that as we head out on the road.

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