Monday, September 29, 2008

Sunday Night in Denver

States Visted: Iowa, Nebraska, Colorado
Distance Traveled: 674 miles
Time: 9.5 hours, with breaks

Born and raised in northeastern Ohio, I've been conditioned to have a good deal of animosity towards Denver. I find it impossible to adhere to that kind of outlook when I pass through this city because of how absolutely beautiful it is here, not to mention the family connections I have in the area.

Upon leaving Nebraska and jumping on I-76W towards Denver, the road opened up into some of the widest expanses of land we've seen yet. Although Nebraska had its fields and fields of corn and beans, rows of trees and farm equipment hindered our view from the freeway. Colorado however, offered much more. Speckled with cattle, llamas and sheep, the land dropped away from the interstate in a way that offered us some of the most spectacular view yet. Soon after, about 40 miles outside of Denver, the silouettes of the Rockies came into view over the horizon, magnified by the rapidly setting sun.

We got to my Uncle Larry's house at about 6:45, settled down in his guest room and passed the remaindsameer of the night grilling out a few burgers and catching up over a couple of beers. The last time I saw Larry was pretty much under the circumstances, when a few friends of mine and I passed through town on a cross-country camping trip. While that visit was pretty much over before it begun, this instance was a little more relaxed and casual.

We packed up our things this morning and set out at about 8am, heading west on I70 towards Glenwood Springs. Not sure how many updates we'll be able to post today, but there should definitely be something later on tonight when we stop in Grand Junction. Until then, it'll be a nice scenic drive through the Rockies with a few recreational stops along the way.

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