Friday, September 26, 2008

The Night Before...

The car is packed and ready to go, save for a small dufflebag and two laptops which we'll cram in there in the morning before we leave. Fortunately Steph packed up all of stuff this week while she was home, so it was nice not to have to do any late night packing this evening. We can just relax, watch some TV and go to bed at a decent hour so that we're set to go early tomorrow. We made quick work of it and were pretty much done with loading the car in about 20 minutes. And believe it or not, we can actually still see out the back window.

The goal for tomorrow is Des Moines, Iowa. That pretty much means ten hours of nothing but flat plains and cornfields. It's sure to be an exciting opening day for the blog, but I'm sure we'll have plenty to make of it. Too bad the Field of Dreams is almost 150 miles out of our way...

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