Tuesday, September 23, 2008

From Cleveland to Los Angeles..

So it's official: Stephanie is moving to LA to pursue an acting career.

She's giving herself six months, from the beginning of October until the end of March to find her place in the industry out there. If she does it, great. If not, at least she'll go on knowing that she gave it a worthy attempt, and can live the rest of her life without that one single regret. That, above everything else, is what's most important.

The rest of this week we're going to spend getting everything together for her move out west. So far she has an apartment set up and only a few other minor details (including obtaining a refridgerator) to tackle before we leave Friday morning. There might be an update or two before then, but Saturday should kick off the official start of this blog, and this new adventure in our lives. Stay tuned.

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