Thursday, May 8, 2014

4135 Oak Knoll Drive

After nearly 35 years, it was finally time to say good-bye.

That's a hard thing, to say farewell to your childhood home, to pass it on into the hands of someone new, hoping that they put as much love and care into it as you did.  We moved in when I was five months old and my folks didn't sell it until last spring.  That house is a lifetime of memories for me, and the only constant I've ever known, until just last year.

I still have a time capsule buried in that backyard.  I remember setting up my tent by the bushes along the side, imagining that I was in the middle of a magic forest, fraught with danger.  I first learned how to ride a bike down that driveway.  I used to climb out onto that roof and perch myself by the chimney with eyes on the whole neighborhood...because I thought I was Batman.  And I will swear, to this very day, that this house is haunted.

35 years of memories...they bring a smile to my face, each and every one.  So farewell, old home.  It was a privilege.

4135 Oak Knoll Drive

Farewell, Old Home.

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