Monday, May 5, 2014

The Return to Astoria

When: April 13, 2013
Driving Time: About 100 minutes, one way

When I visited Oregon for the first time back in 2008, one of the places I was most excited about visiting was the small town of Astoria.  Located on the mouth of the Columbia river, this sleepy little seaside town is about as Pacific Northwest as it gets.  The salted sea air, the distant sounds of Sea Lions barking on the piers and pioneer architecture that has barely changed in the better part of 80 years all make for an ideal experience.  It was just over a year ago that I hopped into my car with Kino and spent one given Sunday re-exploring the town and some of its surroundings.  In all honesty, it won't be my last.

In front of the Goonie House: Kino, taking his shot at the "Truffle Shuffle."
I'm pretty sure he nailed it. 

Pier remnants, the Columbia River.  Washington in the distance

Astoria, Oregon
Kino amidst the long-decayed wreckage of the Peter Iredale

Kino and I getting in one last run along the coast before heading back to Portland

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