Friday, May 9, 2014

Pacific City, OR

When: June 22, 2013
Distance: 200 miles, round trip

Not long after we started dating, Beth's parents bought a house on the coast.  That last weekend in June, I helped Beth, her brother and his wife all move her parents into the new home.  We were done by the middle of the afternoon and all decided to head down to the beach with a few beers to enjoy the rest of the day.

I have a vague memory of Oliver, Beth's little Cavalier dog, running insanely down the dunes after catching the scent of a hot dog grillout on the beach below. It was also the first time that I really got a chance to spend a quality amount of time with her father, who I knew I liked right away.

We were only there for a day, but as it turns out, this weekend would be extremely important. For the first time in a very, very long time, I began to feel welcomed into someone's family as if they were my own. This, I have learned, is a very very rare thing.

Surf's Up in Pacific City

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