Wednesday, May 7, 2014

FOG Reunion on Mt. Baker

Where: Mt. Baker, Washington
Distance: 560 miles, round trip

A few years ago, just before I moved out to Oregon, a close friend of mine had passed away while living in China.  Through that tragedy, a group of his close friends, myself included, have tried to get together each year around his birthday to celebrate his memory.  We refer to ourselves as the FOG's (the Friends of Glen), and come from all different walks of his life.  Since he was such an avid skier, we've made whatever plans we can to incorporate the slopes, a passion that he shared with the vast majority of us. In February of 2013, about twelve of us met up around Mt. Baker, Washington for the weekend.  For the third year in a row, we toasted to the memory of Glen, strapped on our skis, and paid tribute to the one thing he loved more than anything: Life on the edge...preferably involving a few feet of freshly fallen powder.

Kino and I, headed up through Seattle to Mt. Baker

First Run's View from the Lift

Last Run of the Weekend.

The FOG's: Mt. Baker, 2013

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