Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Hiking into the White

When: Early 2013
Trails: Dog Mountain, Angel's Rest, Herman Creek

Here in Oregon, hiking a trail in January in comparison to that same trail in July are two completely different experiences.  During the winter months, a few feet in elevation can make the difference between a bit of mud and ice, and full-on snowshoeing through waist-high drifts and snowfall. It's exhilarating and one of my favorite aspects of hiking in this part of the country.  Dog Mountain was a particularly fun experience in January of 2013 where Kino and I suddenly found ourselves trudging up through 6 feet of snow on an insanely crisp and clear day.  On the other end of the spectrum, the Herman Creek Trail in February was misty, lightly dusted with snow and coated with ice.  Both hikes were breathtakingly beautiful and goes to show that each morning you set out in those months, you never quite know what you're going to get.  Personally, I'm a fan of the mystery.

Kino, perched on the upper snowfields of Dog Mountain

Just below the summit of Dog Mountain

Kino and I taking a break on the west-facing cliffs of Angel's Rest

Winter Mists in the high reaches of the Herman Creek Trail

The Wolf in the Wild, Herman Creek Trail, 2400 ft. elev.

Sun and Snow on the Herman Creek Trail

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