Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Christmas in Cleveland

When: December 18 - 26th, 2012
Where: Cleveland/Youngstown, Ohio

The holiday season of 2012 was the first opportunity I had to travel back to Northern Ohio for Christmas.  The year before, I could barely afford bread let alone a flight back home, so it was nice to be able to see family in person that year instead of spending another holiday on Skype.
The first stop was Cleveland, where I spent the first few days catching up with friends and hitting a few old watering holes along the way, most notably Great Lakes Brewery and my personal favorite, Edison's, both of which you owe yourself to visit next time you find yourself in town.

The final half of the trip was spent in Youngstown with my family, which would also turn out to be the last nights I would spend in my childhood home.  It was a fairly emotional trip on many fronts, and I look back on that one with a heavy heart.  As much as I couldn't see it at the time, amazing and wonderful things were on their way.

Three legs: Leaving Portland, Passing over Denver, and Arriving in Cleveland

Four words: Great Lakes Christmas Ale.  It will change your world. 

The Snow hits Market Ave. in Cleveland. 
The former studios of longtime friend and colleague, Downie Photography.
Jeff will be coming out to Portland to shoot our wedding in less than 10 days. 

An Annual Tradition: One last game of Poker with the guys in the old House. 

Christmas with the Cousins: Christmas Eve at the DeToro's

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